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Services We Provide
Home repair services
A smarter way to keep up with home maintenance. We provide home repair and maintenance services at your doorstep in Qatar.
Pest control services
We provide professional pest control services for your home and business. Book highly experienced in-house professionals & get it done, Instantly.
A.C maintenance services
Syaanh offers flexible solutions for installation, removal and repair of your AC units at competitive prices in all Qatari cities.
Carpentry services
Our professional carpenters will redesign your home, making it appear exceptionally stylish at an affordable price. Book online furniture repair and carpentry services.
Plumbing services
Are you having issues with your faucets and sinks? Common problems can include leaky faucets, low water pressure, clogged drains, hot water issues, loose faucet handles, and more.
Electrical services
We provide the best residential and commercial electrical services for your power needs. Request service and get offers from best service providers in all electrical services

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